In detail...
Pokemon World: A-Z of Tips, Cheats and Codes.
By: Mathers, Martin; Murray, Russell; Roberts, Jem:
Category: Children
Publisher: Bournemouth: Paragon Publishing, 2001.
Paperback book in good condition. Book appears to have originally been given away free with something. Shelfwear to edges of covers with some creasing to covers. Pages tanned. 12mo. 178pp.
Only £2.00
By: Mathers, Martin; Murray, Russell; Roberts, Jem:
Category: Children
Publisher: Bournemouth: Paragon Publishing, 2001.
Paperback book in good condition. Book appears to have originally been given away free with something. Shelfwear to edges of covers with some creasing to covers. Pages tanned. 12mo. 178pp.
Only £2.00
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